1 There are not good-byes in heaven where the many mansions be,
Where the ransomed of the Lord with Him shall reign;
When we enter in His glory, and our loved once more we see,
We shall never say good-bye to them again.
There are no good-byes in heaven, that sweet home of joy above;
No good-byes, no good-byes,
We shall part no more forever from the friends we dearly love,
No good-byes, no good-byes.
2 There are no good-byes in heaven! how this hope our spirit thrills,
As by faith we walk with them the shining plain;
And we listen to their songs of joy upon the heav’nly hills
Where we’ll never say good-bye to them again. [Refrain]
3 All our sorrow, pain, and sighing shall forever pass away;
All we could not understand shall be made plain;
We shall find our loved ones waiting there to bid us with them stay;
And we’ll never say good-bye to them again. [Refrain]
Source: Praise and Promise: for use in Sunday-schools, prayer meetings, revivals, young people's meetings and on special occasions #72