1 There are needy ones around us,
Yes, we meet them ev’ry day,
Who need a kindly hand to point
Them to the narrow way;
Let us haste to help our brother,
Tell of Jesus’ pow’r to save;
Tell them how a willing sacrifice,
On the cross His life He gave.
Let us help to save our brother
From the paths of sin and woe;
Tell with joy the gospel story
Ev’rywhere that we may go.
2 Swift from us the hours are passing,
Who will volunteer today,
To take their part in pointing men
To Christ, the Life, the Way?
Jesus calls us, are we ready
Now to say, here, Lord am I;
In His name to sow the precious seed,
For the reaping by and by. [Refrain]
3 Let us follow where He leadeth,
Over land or over sea;
In His dear service to be true,
Wherever it may be;
Let us sacrifice our pleasure,
Wand’ring souls in love to win;
For the Christ who gave His precious life,
To redeem a world from sin. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Pentecost No. 3 #58