1 There are many who follow Jesus
When the skies all around are blue,
But when storms cross their path they falter,
And forsake this dear Friend so true.
I will go all the way with Jesus,
Wheresoever my path may be;
I will go all the way with Jesus,
For He went all the way for me.
2 Jesus’ love brought Him down from heaven,
Led Him on thro’ the garden’s gloom;
All the way to the cross of anguish,
All the way to the silent tomb. [Refrain]
3 Then with joy let us still press onward,
Tho’ the path may seem hard and long;
All the way in the Master’s footsteps,
Till we join in the victor’s song. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Pentecost No. 3 #30