1 Thee, Father, we bless,
Whose distinguishing grace
Selected a people to shew forth thy praise:
Nor is thy love known
By election alone;
For, O thou hast added the gift of thy son.
2 The goodness in vain
We attempt to explain,
Which found and accepted a ransom for men.
Great surety of thine,
Thou didst not decline
To concur the father’s most gracious design.
3 To Jesus our friend
Our thanks shall ascend,
Who saves to the utmost, and loves to the end.
Our ransom he paid!
In his merit array'd,
We attain to the glory for which we were made.
4 Sweet spirit of grace,
Thy mercy we bless
For thy eminent share in the council of peace:
Great agent divine,
To restore us is thine,
And cause us afresh in thy likeness to shine.
5 O God, ’tis thy part
To convince and convert:
To give a new life, and create a new heart:
By thy presence and grace
We’re upheld in our race,
And are kept in thy love to the end of our days.
6 Father, Spirit and Son
Agree thus in one,
The salvation of those he has mark'd for his own:
Let us too agree
To glorify thee,
Thou ineffable one, thou adorable three?
Source: A Selection of Hymns: from the best authors, intended to be an appendix to Dr. Watt's psalms and hymns. (1st Am. ed.) #CVII