Thee, as the evening light declines,
O Christ, unfading light, we praise,
Who, robed in human flesh, appears,
To bless us in the end of days.
Dark hades saw the light arise,
And quick the darkness fled away;
The nations saw Thy waking beams,
When dawned the Resurrection day.
Glory, O Christ, to Thee we give,
The Head of our Salvation Thou;
For death is vanquished by Thy power,
And men are saved from wandering now.
The angel choirs in heaven rejoice,
For messengers of death are spurned;
The fall of Adam Thou hast raised,
And Satan's power is overturned.
We, all unworthy, stand around
Thy life inspiring grave, and raise
To Thy great tenderness of heart,
O Christ our Lord, a hymn of praise;
For thou gav'st welcome to the Cross,
Nor thrust the hand of death away,
That thou, O Lover of our race,
Mightst give the Resurrection day.
Word with the Father in the past,
Word with the Father aye to reign;
Mysterious born, to live and die,
And in His glory rise again.
O God of life to thee we sing,
Saviour of our souls, to Thee
Let hymns from every heart arise,
And everlasting glory be.
Hymns of the Holy Eastern Church, 1902