1. The world of forms and changes
Is just now so confused
That there is found some danger
In everything you use,
But this is consolation
To every blood-washed child:
The Lord will change our station
After a while.
After a while, after a while,
The Lord will change our station
After a while.
2. Old Satan tries to throw down
Everything that’s good;
He’d fix a way to confound
The righteous if he could,
But thanks to God almighty
That he cannot beguile,
And we will be done fighting
After a while. [Refrain]
3. There are some men and women
Who help the Devil on
By constantly complaining
Of everything that’s done.
They want to be called Christians
And all their badness hide;
God will open the secret,
After a while. [Refrain]
4. I know we have too many
Who are living in the dark;
They have but little, if any,
Of Christian work at heart.
But thousands, though ’tis stormy,
Are marching undefiled,
And God will head the army
After a while. [Refrain]
5. There is a land of promise
Where trials are unknown,
Where Satan never cometh,
For God is on the throne.
And just a little longer,
By faith and self-denial,
We’ll join our friends up yonder
After a while. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns and Devotions for Daily Worship #88b