1 The world all about me has now no allure:
Its pleasure ring pain,
Its wisdom is vain;
I seek a foundation that's steadfast and sure:
I'll put Jesus first in my life.
In all that I say,
In all that I do,
Thro'out the world of toil and strife,
By day and by night,
Thro' trust in His might,
I'll put Jesus first in my life.
2 The Lord Jesus died my salvation to win:
He went in my stead
To Calv'ry and bled;
Redemption impels me to give up all sin:
I'll put Jesus first in my life. (Chorus)
3 I know there's a home for the ransomed and blest,
When death is no more,
When struggle is o'er,
For those who love Jesus and give Him their best:
I'll put Jesus first in my life. (Chorus)
4 Tho' earth's tribulations continue each day,
Tho' pleasure may call,
Tho' evil enthrall,
His grace will protect me forever and aye:
I'll put Jesus first in my life. (Chorus)
Source: Favorite Hymns of Praise #396