1 The word of God, which ne’er shall cease,
proclaims free pardon, grace, and peace,
salvation shows in Christ alone,
the perfect will of God makes known.
2 This holy Word exposes sin,
convinces us that we’re unclean,
points out the wretched, ruined state
of human-kind, both small and great.
3 It then reveals God’s boundless grace,
which justifies our sinful race,
and gives eternal life to all
who will accept the gospel call.
4 It gently heals the broken heart
and heav'nly riches does impart,
reveals redemption’s wondrous call
through Christ’s atoning death for all.
5 O God, in whom our trust we place,
we thank you for your word of grace;
help us its precepts to obey
till we shall live in endless day.
Source: Moravian Book of Worship #509