1 The wicked, watching for their prey,
Desire the righteous man to slay,
But God is on his side;
He will not leave him in their hands,
Nor count him guilty when he stands
In judgment to be tried.
2 Wait on the Lord and keep His way;
He will exalt thee, nor delay
To give the land to thee;
And when the wicked are cut off,
The wicked who against thee scoff,
Their judgment thou shalt see.
3 The wicked in great power are seen,
Like spreading tree with foliage green
That grows in native ground.
I looked again, they were no more;
I sought the men so proud before,
But they could not be found.
4 Mark thou the upright day by day,
Behold the perfect in his way;
His journey ends in peace.
Destroyed at once shall rebels be;
Cut off from all posterity,
Their very name shall cease.
5 Salvation is from God, alone,
Whom as their covert saints have known
When by sore troubles tried;
The Lord Who helped in troubles past
Will save them to the very last,
For they in Him confide.
The Psalter: with responsive readings, 1912