1 The whole world is full of the glory of God;
The heav’ns his omnipotent power declare;
The whole world is bright with the sun’s golden light,
There’s beauty and life ev’rywhere.
The whole world is full of the goodness of God,
His care in all nature we see;
Before him we bend, while our voices ascend
In praise to the One in Three.
2 Each blossom that blooms in the meadow so fair,
Each streamlet that glides on its journey along,
Declares the great love of the Father above,
While singing their jubilant song. [Chorus]
3 The rivers that leap to the broad restless sea,
The ocean waves dashing in fury on high,
Forever proclaim their Creator’s great name,
As year after year passes by. [Chorus]
Source: Sunday School Voices, No.2 #42