1 The way of life remain'd conceal'd
To all the human race,
Until the Saviour was reveal'd
Who purchas'd pard'ning grace.
2 The moral law was never giv'n
To be the saving means;
To fit us for the courts of heav'n,
Or cleans us from our sins.
3 The law can never work that love
That forms the mind anew.
But judge, condemn and still reprove
In all we think or do.
4 But when that true and living faith
Is to the heart applied;
then as the great Apostle saith:
We shall be justified.
5 All male and female, Jew and Greek,
And ev'ry bond and free!
And all who for salvation seek,
The heirs of grace shall be.
6 Thus made the heirs of grace indeed
In spirit circumcis'd:
With Abram and his faithful seed,
For which we were baptis'd.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #XXVIII