The waters in unto my soul

The waters in unto my soul

Published in 1 hymnal

Representative Text

1 The waters in unto my soul
Are come,O God me save.
2 I am in muddy deep sunk down
Where I no standing have;
Into deep water am come,
Where floods me overflow.
3 I of my crying weary am,
My throat is dried so:

Mine eyes fail for my God I wait.
4 They that have hated me
Without a cause, than mine head's hairs
They more in number be.
Also mine en'mies wrongfully
They are that would me slay,
They mighty are; then I restor'd
What I took not away.

5 O God, thou know'st my foolishness,
My sin's not hid from thee.
Who wait on thee, Lord God of host,
Let not be sham'd for me.
O never suffer them who do
For thee inquiry make,
O God of Israel, to be
Confounded for my sake.


7 By reason that I for thy sake
Reproach have suffered,
Confusion my countenance
Hath over covered.
8 I as a stranger am become
My brethren ev'n unto,
Unto my mother's children I
An alien am also.

9 For of thy house the fervent zeal
Hath quite up eaten me:
And on me their reproaches fell
That have reproached thee.
10 In fast I wept, and spent my soul;
This was reproach to me.
11 And I my garments sackcloth made,
Yet must their proverb be.

12 They that do sit within the gate,
Against me speak they do:
Unto the drinkers of strong drink
I was a song also.
13 But I in an accepted time
To thee Lord make my pray'r:
O God, me in thy saving truth,
And in much mercy hear.


14 Deliver me out of the mire,
And me from sinking keep:
Let me be free'd mine haters from,
And out of waters deep.
15 O'erflow me let not water floods,
Nor me let swallow up
The deep, and let not thou the pit
Her mouth upon me shut.

16 Jehovah, hear thou me, for good
Is thy benignity:
After thy mercies multitude
O turn thy face to me.
17 And from thy servant hide not thou
Thy countenance away,
Because that I in trouble am,
Hear me without delay.

18 O draw thou nigh unto my soul,
Redeem thou it likewise:
Deliver me because of them
That are mine enemies.
19 Thou my reproach hast known, also
My shame, and my disgrace;
Mine adversaries ev'ry one,
They are before thy face.


20 Reproach mine heart hath broke, I griev'd:
I sough some me to moan,
But none there was: and sought for some
To comfort, but found none.
21 Instead moreover of my meat
They gave unto me gall;
They gave me vinegar to drink
To quench my thirst withal.

22 Their table let before their face
To them become a snare;
And let it be a trap which should
Have been for their welfare;
23 Their eyes let darkned be likewise,
That they may never see;
With trembling also make their loins,
To shake continually.

24 Pour out thine ire on them, let seize
On them thine anger fell.
24 Their palace let be desolate,
None in their tents let dwell.
26 Because they do him persecute
On whom thy stroke is found:
Also they talk unto the grief
Of them whom thou dost wound.

27 Do thou to their iniquity
Iniquity more add:
Into thy righteousness for them
Let entrance none be had.
28 Out of the book of living ones
O do thou them forth blot:
And them amongst that righteous are
Be written let them not.


29 But I, O God, am poor and sad;
Let thy health lift me high.
30 With song I'll praise the name of God,
With thanks him magnify.
31 Unto Jehovah this also
Shall be more pleasing far,
Than any ox or bullock young
That horn'd and hoofed are.

32 This thing when as they shall behold,
Then shall be glad the meek:
Also your heart shall ever live,
That after God do seek
33 Because the Lord the poor doth hear,
Nor's pris'ners doth despise:
34 Let heav'n, and earth, seas him praise, and all
That move therein likewise.

35 For God will Judah's cities build,
And Sion he will save'
That they may dwell therein, and may
In in possession have.
36 And of his servants then the seed
Inherit shall the same:
Also therein inhabit shall
They that do love his name.

Source: The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament: faithfully translated into English metre: for the use, edification, and comfort of the saints...especially in New-England (25th ed) #PLXIX

Text Information

First Line: The waters in unto my soul
Copyright: Public Domain


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The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament #PLXIX

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