1 The trumpet’s solemn sound,
The lightnings spread abroad,
The opening skies, the shaking ground,
Proclaim a coming God.
2 Behold, the Judge at hand,
With majesty and power;
The tribes of men before Him stand,
Some tremble, some adore.
3 Each action, word and thought,
Now stripped of all disguise,
To the impartial test is brought,
Exposed before His eyes.
4 Now causeless fears subside,
False hopes no more beguile,
Whilst His unerring hands divide
The precious from the vile.
5 The one He calls by name,
And seats them near His throne;
The other fills with grief and shame,
And dooms to woes unknown.
6 Then be it all my care,
Each hour to watch and pray;
And oh may sovereign grace prepare
For that tremendous day!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #16277