1 The trumpet is sounding--our banner unfurled,
Come forth at the glad, thrilling call,
Our cause, it is sacred, and righteous, and true,
Then on, noble hearts, one and all;
With Faith to unhold us, and Hope for our guide,
In triumph and pow'r will we go.
No perils shall daunt us, no doubting prevail,
For right will the wrong overflow.
2 But none can inspire us, and none can sustain,
O Charity, none like to thee,
Fair sov'reign of graces--receive now the crown,
Thou chief of the bright, blessed three;
Thy realm is unbounded, All hearts shall be thine,
Thy reign ever pure, just and free,
Receive thou our greeting, receive thou thy crown,
O chief of the bright, blessed three.
3 Now on to the conflict, on, on to the strife,
For holy the war that we wage,
Our hearts ever strengthen'd by Faith, Hope and Love,
We fear not the foe's blinding rage;
We trumpet is sounding, our banner unfurl'd,
Come forth at the glad, thrilling call;
Our cause, it is sacred, and righteous, and true,
Then on, noble hearts, one and all.
Source: The Silver Chime: a cluster of Sabbath school melodies, tunes, sentences, chants, etc., for the use of children and teachers in their school exercises, devotions, and recreations, to which is added... #108