Scripture References:
st. = John 10:28-30
Rom. 8:28-30
Psalter Hymnal editor Emily R. Brink (PHH 158) composed several musical settings for important segments of the Heidelberg Catechism, one of the primary confessional statements of the Christian Reformed Church. Two of these settings are included in the Psalter Hymnal: this text about the church and the comforting text from Lord's Day 1 (549). (The entire Heidelberg Catechism is found in the worship edition of the Psalter Hymnal on pp. 861-925, with a helpful historical introduction on p. 860.)
Based on Lord's Day 21, Q&A54 (p. 883) of the Heidelberg Catechism (thus the tune's title), this text provides an explanation of the apostolic confession about the "holy catholic church." Although it makes a strongly objective statement about Christ's church, the text also presents a deeply personal confession in its final line ("Of this community I am and always will be a living member").
Liturgical Use:
Baptism; profession of faith; as a sung creed; church festivals and anniversaries; Reformation services; ecumenical gatherings.
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook