1 The shepherds on fair Bethle’m’s plain,
Asleep beneath the starry host,
Awoke to learn how One shall reign
Whose power is from the Holy Ghost;
For angel songs the message bring,
Of joy in Heav’n and peace on earth,
That men the song may ever sing,
How Christ had sweet and lowly birth.
2 The wise men came from far away,
From richest lands and brightest seas,
Led onward by a starrèd ray
To Him who in a manger lies.
They bend above the Child so fair,
And worship Him as Lord and King,
With gifts of gold and gems most rare,
And every royal offering.
3 And now men here are all aflame,
Here souls with heav’nly joy are filled;
Today was born that Child of fame,
Today anew our hearts are thrilled.
To Him our gladsome songs we raise,
To Him our choicest treasures give,
To Him we offer endless praise,
And seek in Him for Him to live.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #12827