1 The seasons are fixed by wisdom divine,
The slow changing moon show forth God’s design;
The sun in his circuit his Maker obeys,
And running his journey hastes not nor delays.
2 The Lord makes the night, when, leaving their lair,
The lions creep forth, God’s bounty to share;
The Lord makes the morning, when beasts steal away
And men are beginning the work of the day.
3 How many and wise Thy works are, O Lord!
The earth with the wealth of wisdom is stored;
The sea bears in safety the ships to and fro,
And creatures unnumbered it shelters below.
4 Thy creatures all look to Thee for their food;
Thy hand opens wide, they gather the good;
Thy face Thou concealest, in anguish they yearn;
Their breath Thou withholdest, to dust they return.
5 Thy Spirit, O Lord, makes life to abound,
The earth is renewed, and fruitful the ground;
To God ascribe glory and wisdom and might,
Let God in His creatures forever delight.
6 Before the Lord’s might earth trembles and quakes,
The mountains are rent, and smoke from them breaks;
The Lord I will worship through all of my days,
Yea, while I have being my God I will praise.
7 Rejoicing in God, my thought shall be sweet,
While sinners depart in ruin complete;
My soul, bless Jehovah, His Name be adored,
Come, praise Him, ye people, and worship the Lord.
Source: Psalter Hymnal (Red): doctrinal standards and liturgy of the Christian Reformed Church #219