1 The Saviour’s hand is clasping mine,
And all is well!
I’m blessed with fellowship divine,
And all is well!
I’m free at last from sin’s control,
And moving onward tow’rd the goal;
My Saviour’s love makes glad my soul,
And all is well!
All is well! all is well!
My precious Guide is at my side,
And all is well!
All is well! all is well!
My precious Guide is at my side,
And all is well!
2 I hear my Saviour’s whisper sweet,
And all is well!
He shields my soul when foes I meet,
And all is well!
No more beneath a load I bend;
My sighing days have had an end,
For I have found a perfect Friend,
And all is well! [Refrain]
3 My Saviour’s loving smile I see,
And all is well!
My hope, my joy, my life is He,
And all is well!
As in the sunshine of His face,
The narrow homeward path I trace,
I sing of His redeeming grace,
And all is well! [Refrain]
Source: Revival Hymns: a Collection of New and Standard Hymns for Gospel and social meetings, Sunday schools and Young People's Societies #152