1 The Savior’s blood and righteousness
My beauty is, my glorious dress;
Thus well arrayed, I need not fear,
When in His presence I appear.
2 The holy, spotless, Lamb of God,
Who freely gave His life and blood
For all my numerous sins to atone,
I for my Lord and Savior own.
3 Therefore my Savior’s blood and death
Are here the substance of my faith;
And shall remain, when I’m called hence,
My only hope and confidence.
4 Lord Jesus Christ, all praise to Thee,
That Thou didst deign a man to be,
And for each soul which Thou hast made
Hast an eternal ransom paid.
5 Thy incarnation, wounds, and death
I will confess while I have breath,
Till I shall see Thee face to face,
Arrayed with Thy righteousness.
Source: Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church #327