1 The Saviour left his home above
To die upon the tree,
That he might ransom this poor soul,
That’s what he did for me.
That’s what he did for me,
That’s what he did for me;
He died upon the cruel cross,
That’s what he did for me.
2 When penitent I came to him,
He gladly set me free
From sin and guilt and all my fears,
That’s what he did for me. [Refrain]
3 When wind and storms beat heavily
Upon my bark at sea,
He sent deliv’rance from on high,
That’s what he did for me. [Refrain]
4 At last he’ll take me to the sky
His smiling face to see,
And then I’ll sing forevermore,
“That’s what he did for me.” [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Love and Praise No. 4 #81