1 The sacred institution, Lord,
Of baptism was enjoin'd by thee,
So that it might a laver of
Life and regeneration be.
2 Baptism is not mere water, for
It is united with thy word,--
Enjoin'ed by thy divine command,
this washing doth thy grace afford.
3 "Let little children come to me,"
Saith Jesus, "and forbid them not;"--
We bring them, Lord, that they may be
Thus consecrated to our God.
4 May all thy "lambs" be born again
Of water, and the Holy Ghost,--
May all thy children grace receive,--
Believing, and baptiz'd, be saved.
5 Give them thy strength to daily drown
With true repentance, lust and sin,--
And, with pure righteousness, to crown
Their sacred covenant with thee.
6 Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
For this divine, this precious gift!--
May its receivers join thy host
In heav'n with everlasting praise.
Source: A Collection of Hymns and Prayers, for Public and Private Worship #218