1 The royal standard forward goes,
The holy Cross with mystery glows,
Where death by life was put to shame,
And life from death triumphant came.
2 Here from my Saviour's piercèd side
Flows forth the purifying tide,
That lets no sinful spot remain,
As blood and water cleanse each stain.
3 Fulfilled is now the hope foretold,
That faithful prophets sang of old;
When God His wondering people see,
Ruling all nations from the Tree.
4 Hail! only source of hope and life;
In this sad time of pain and strife,
To faithful souls Thy grace increase,
And to the guilty give Thy peace.
5 And now, O Blessèd Trinity,
Let endless praises be to Thee,
Who through the triumph of Thy love,
Hast gained for us a crown above.
Source: Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church #91