1 The redeemed of the Lord, in glad freedom returning,
Their pilgrimage journey to God have begun;
The desert, the darkness, the travail, the mourning,
The bondage and serfdom are over and done.
Onward to Zion, the city immortal;
Riseth their song of delight by the road,
Swelleth afar, till they reach its bright portal,
The home of the ransomed, the city of God.
2 By the “Highway” they come and are coming; and ever
New feet join the music, new lips the refrain;
The “weak hands” are strengthened by ceaseless endeavor;
The dumb tongues are loosened and blend in the strain: [Refrain]
3 From the hedge-rows and byways, from sorrow and sighing—
The wilderness breaking in bloom as they sing—
With joy everlasting, all dangers defying,
In glory they come, to abide with the King. [Refrain]
Source: Uplifted Voices: a 20th century hymn book for sunday-schools and devotional meetings #13