1 The presence of thy grace impart,
And bless thy servants, Lord;
Thy glory may they have at heart:
And guide them by thy word.
2 That whilst by prayer and solemn hands
Thy servant they ordain;
They may repsct hy bless'd commands,
But hold traditions vain.
3 O may this servant set apart,
Thy gospel to procoam;
Ne'er from those sacred truths, depart
Which glorify thy name.
4 If ordinances he attend;
O make thy word his guide,
Nor suffer him e'er to depend,
On any rule beside.
5 Then shall thy gospel, LORD, be crown'd,
With a divine success:
Thy servant in thy grace abound;
And thou his labours bless.
Source: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns: done under the appointment of the Philadelphian Association #CC