1 The pearl which worldlings covet
Is not the pearl for me;
Its beauty fades as quickly
As sunshine on the sea.
But there's a pearl sought by the wise,
'Tis called the pearl of greatest price,
Tho' few its value see
Oh, that's the pearl for me!
Oh, that's the pearl for me!
Oh, that's the pearl for me!
2 The crown that decks the monarch's brow
Is not the crown for me;
It dazzles but a moment--
Its brightness soon will flee.
But there's a crown prepared above
For all who walk in humble love,
Forever bright 'twill be.
Oh, that's the crown for me!
Oh, that's the crown for me!
Oh, that's the crown for me!
2 The road that many travel
Is not the road for me;
It leads to death and sorrow,
In it I would not be.
But there's a road that leads to God,
'Tis mark'd by Christ's most precious blood,
The passage here is free,
Oh, that's the road for me!
4 The hope that sinners cherish
Is not the hope for me;
Most surely will they perish,
Unless from sin made free;
But there's a hope which rests in God,
And leads the soul to keep his word,
And sinful pleasures flee,
Oh, that's the hope for me.
Source: The New Sabbath School Hosanna: enlarged and improved: a choice collection of popular hymns and tunes, original and selected: for the Sunday school and the family circle... #36