1 The old congenial man of sin,
Coeval with the fall we know,
The entire depravity within,
Whence all our endless evils flow;
2 Corrupt alas, through every part,
No good, no help in us we have.
But fly to Him with broken heart,
Who died Himself our souls to save.
3 Nailed to the cross where Jesus bled,
United with his sacrifice,
(Not instantaneously struck dead)
A lingering death our nature dies:
4 The death my Saviour bore for me,
Exerts its mortifying power,
Till nature gasping on the tree
Is quite extinct, and stirs no more.
5 Whether by flow or swift degrees,
The selfish and the proud desire,
The Adam old shall surely cease,
And the last breath of sin expire.
6 My actions, words, and thoughts impure,
Sin's members, all destroyed shall be,
And then of full salvation sure,
I dwell in Christ, and Christ in me.
Source: The A.M.E. Zion Hymnal: official hymnal of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church #402