1 The night was dark; the watchers slept,
But angels still their vigils kept,
And thro’ the silent midnight air
They heard the Saviour’s voice in prayer.
“Let not my will, but Thine be done;”
The Father’s will and His were one;
He drank the bitter cup for me,
At midnight in Gethsemane!
2 “Let this cup pass, if it may be,
Let this cup pass away from me;
Nevertheless, Thy will be done:”
Thus prayed the well-beloved Son. [Refrain]
3 What can it be, what can it be—
The meaning of Gethsemane?
Twelve legion angels hover round
That prostrate form upon the ground! [Refrain]
4 I may not solve the Mystery—
The meaning of Gethsemane?
But now His love abides within;
I know, I know He saves from sin! [Refrain]
Source: Alexander's Hymns No. 3 #196