1 The Master leads, the pathway may be shadowed
By clouds which hide the sun;
But, oh, how sweet will be the hush of twilight
When our day’s work is done.
2 His tender care will lighten ev’ry sorrow,
And shield us from all ill;
And with the dawn of heav’n’s eternal morrow
’Twill bless and guard us still.
3 The Master leads, oh, words of wondrous sweetness,
To cheer the fainting heart;
Till perfect faith, in its divine completeness,
Shall bid all fear depart.
4 Our inner lives may be like buried treasure
To all the world beside;
It matters not, he will our progress measure,
He will our footsteps guide.
5 The Master leads, on him alone relying
We shall not blindly stray;
His tenderness, compassionate, undying,
Is new each dawning day.
6 Up to the heights of life and joy immortal
He leads us safely on;
With him we soon shall pass the pearly portal,
Our life’s great battle won.
Source: Pearls of Praise #124