1 The loving Christ now lives with me,
He’s just the Friend I need;
I know He’ll ever faithful be,
He’s just the Friend I need.
He guides my feet when prone to stray,
Points out the safe and narrow way;
His love enfolds me day by day,
He’s just the Friend I need.
He’s just the Friend I need,
He’s just the Friend I need,
His praise I’ll sing,
My Savior King,
He’s just the Friend I need.
2 His timely aid doth strength impart,
He’s just the Friend I need;
He holds the first place in my heart,
He’s just the Friend I need.
He lifted me from depths of woe,
His saving pow’r my soul doth know;
My cup with joy doth overflow,
He’s just the Friend I need. [Refrain]
3 It matters not if skies are dim,
He’s just the Friend I need;
A present help I find in Him,
He’s just the Friend I need.
When all this changing life is o’er,
And I have gained the Homeland shore,
I’ll sing His praise forevermore,
He’s just the Friend I need. [Refrain]
Source: Williston Hymns #12