1 The lovely spring has come again,
From sunlight skies descended;
The earth awakes to life and joy,
Cold winter`s reign is ended.
The blossoming trees and flow’rets fair,
With birds whose carols fill the air,
Sing "Christ is risen! Christ is arisen!"
’Tis Easter day!
2 Awake, my soul! to thee the spring
Doth bring its message vernal;
Awake from gloom, from sloth and sin,
To life and joy eternal!
O’er self and wrong the victory win,
A new and better life begin;
Sing "Christ is risen! Christ is arisen!"
’Tis Easter day!
3 With lilies white and blossoms rare
Our temple courts adorning,
We keep the soul’s high festival
This resurrection morning.
O vanquished death, where is thy sting?
O grave, in vain thy triumphing!
Sing "Christ is risen! Christ is arisen!"
’Tis Easter day!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #15582