1 The love of Christ, so wonderful and holy!
A thousand tongues could not its fulness tell;
Yet, O what joy, what bliss beyond expressing!
Within our hearts this precious love may dwell!
Sweet love of Christ! sweet love that knows no changing!
No blessing heav’n may give can equal Thee!
Our joy, our hope, our comfort everlasting!
Sweet love of Christ, so full, so glad, so free!
2 A world once lost is saved to life eternal,
And hope springs up anew on joyful wing!
There is no sorrow but hath compensation,
And all thro’ Thy sweet love, O Christ our King! [Refrain]
3 O for a worthier voice to sing Thy praises!
O for a tongue to chant Thy love to men!
Then thro’ the whole wide world a song we’re swelling
That should rise upward to Thy courts again! [Refrain]
Source: Exalted Praise: a twentieth century collection of sacred hymns for the church, Sunday school, and devotional meetings #100