1. The Lord's my Light, and saving Health;
Why should I be dismay'd?
The Lord supports my Life; of whom
Then should I be afraid
2. When my oppressing spiteful Foes,
Came on with horrid Frown,
Voraciously to eat my Flesh,
They stumbled, and fell down.
3. Tho' Hosts against me should encamp,
Fearless I would abide;
Should raging War against me rise,
In this I would confide.
4. My Heart's Desire and constant Care,
Is in God's House to dwell;
That there I may his Beauty see,
And know his holy Will.
5. In Times of Trouble, he will me,
In his Pavilion, hide;
I safe shall, in his secret Tent,
As on a Rock, abide.
6. Now shall the Lord, o'er all my Foes,
My Head, in Triumph, raise:
And I'll, with Shouts, my Off'rings bring,
I'll sing, and sound, his Praise.
Second Part
7. O Lord, when with my Voice I cry,
My fervent Pray'r receive;
Have Mercy also upon me,
And speedy Answer give.
8. Convinced this is thy just Command,
"Seek ye my Face; my meek,
And grateful Heart, with Joy replies,
"Thy Face, Lord, I will seek.
9. Hide not thy Face, nor drive from Thee,
Thy Servant, with thy Rod;
Thou hast me help'd, now leave me not,
O my Salvation's God.
10. Tho' both my Parents me forsake,
The Lord will me protect.
11. Lord, teach, and lead, me in right Paths,
For th' envious me inspect.
12. O, do not, to the raging Lusts
Of Foes, deliver me;
False Witnesses have risen up,
They breathe out Cruelty.
13. My Soul had fainted, had not I
Firmly believ'd, to see
Thy Goodness crown me, in the Land
Of them that living be.
14. My Soul, upon the Lord still wait,
Take Courage from his Word;
Thy Heart he'll strengthen with his Grace;
Wait thou upon the Lord.
Source: A New Version of the Psalms of David: Fitted to the Tunes Used in the Churches, With Several Hymns Out of the Old, and New, Testament #44