1 The Lord unto my Lord thus spake:
"Till I thy foes thy footstool make,
Sit thou in state at my right hand:
Supreme in Sion thou shalt be,
And all thy proud opposers see
Subjected to thy just command.
2 "Thee, in thy power's triumphant day,
The willing people shall obey;
And, when thy rising beams they view,
Shall all (redeem'd from error's night)
Appear more numerous and bright
Than crystal drops of morning des."
3 The Lord hath sworn, nor sworn in vain,
That, like Melchizedek's, thy reign
And priesthood shall no period see;
Anointed Prince! thou, bending low,
Shalt drink where darkest torrents flow,
Then raise thy head in victory!
Source: Hymnal: according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America : Revised edition (1874) #6