1 The LORD unto my Lord has said,
"Sit here at my right hand
until I make your enemies
submit to your command."
A scepter prospered by the LORD
your mighty hand shall wield;
from Zion you shall rule the world,
and all your foes shall yield.
2 "Your people will be gladly yours
when you arise in might,
like dawning day, like hopeful youth,
with holy beauty bright.
The priesthood of Melchizedek
the LORD has given you;
it shall remain forevermore;
God's Word is always true.
3 "You shall subdue the kings of earth,
with God at your right hand;
the nations you shall rule in might
and judge in ev'ry land.
The Lord, refreshed by living streams,
shall neither faint nor fall,
and he shall be the glorious head,
exalted over all.
Source: Christian Worship: Psalter #110B
First Line: | The Lord unto His Christ has said, Sit Thou at my right hand |
Title: | The Lord unto His Christ Has Said |
Meter: | D |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |
A proclamation of the sure triumph and unfailing reign of the LORD s anointed, the priest-king son of David.
Scripture References:
st. 1 =vv. 1-2
st. 2 =vv. 3-4
st. 3 = vv. 5-7
Traditionally ascribed to David (Matt. 22:43-45), this was most likely a coronation psalm for the Davidic kings. The two authoritative words, or oracles, from God (vv. 1, 4) maybe echoes of the covenant made with David concerning his dynasty (2 Sam. 7; Ps. 89: 1-37). The first of these oracles proclaims the sure triumph of the LORD's anointed (st. 1) and the refreshing dedication of the king's servants. The second oracle proclaims the king's enduring priesthood "in the order of Melchizedek" (st. 2; see Heb. 5:6,10; 7:15-22)–perhaps because the king in Jerusalem was responsible for building and maintaining the temple, for overseeing the work of the priests and Levites there, and for interceding for the nations. This blessed king would rule all the nations, judge them, and know unfailing vigor in his exalted eternal reign (st. 3).
The New Testament uses Psalm 110 more than any other in reference to Jesus Christ as the anointed King filling this role. The versification (altered) is from the 1912 Psalter.
Liturgical Use:
Ascension (see also 47, 93, and 99).
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook