The Lord my light is, and my health

The Lord my light is, and my health

Published in 1 hymnal

Representative Text

1 The Lord my light is, and my health,
What shall make me dismayed?
The Lord is of my life the strength,
Who shall make me afraid:
When wicked men mine enemies,
And foes in battle come
Against me to eat my flesh,
They stumble and fell down.

3 If that an host against me come,
My heart undaunted is:
If war against me should arise,
I am secure in this.
4 One thing I asked of the Lord,
Which still I will request,
That I of all my life the days
May in the Lord's house rest.

To view the beauty of the Lord,
And in his temple seek.
5 For in his tent, in th'evil day
He will me hidden keep:
He will me hide in secrecy
Of his pavilion;
And will me highly lift upon
The rock's munition.

6 Moreover at this time mine head
On high shall lifted be
Above mine enemies, who do
About encompass me:
Therefore in's tent I'll sacrifice
Of joy and offering;
Unto Jehovah sing will I,
Year, I will praises sing.

7 When as I with my voice do cry,
Me, O Jehovah hear:
Have mercy also upon me,
And unto me give ear.
8 O seek ye for my countenance,
(When as thou saidst to me)
Lord, I will seek thy countenance,
Mine hears did answer thee.

9 O hide not thou thy countenance
Away from me therefore,
Thy servant put thou not away
In thy displeasure sore.
O God of my salvation,
Do not from me depart:
Nor yet forsake me utterly,
For thou my helper art.

10 My father and my mother both,
Though they do me forsake,
Yet will Jehovah gathering
Unto himself me take.
11 Jehovah teach thou me the way,
And be a guide to me,
In righteous paths, because of them
That mine observers be.

12 Give me not up unto the will
Of my fierce enemies,
For witness false against me stand,
And breathe out cruelties:
13 Which had o'ercome me, but that I
Believed to see,
Jehovah's goodness in the land
Of them that living be.

14 Do thou upon Jehovah wait,
Thy self there strengthening stay:
And so my heart he strengthen shall:
Wait on the Lord I say.

The Psalm, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament, 1742

Text Information

First Line: The Lord my light is, and my health
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain


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The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament #PXXVII

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