11 The Lord in truth to David sware,
he will not turn from it,
I of thy body’s fruit will make
upon thy throne to sit.1
12 My covenant if thy sons will keep,
and laws to them made known,
their children then shall also sit
for ever on thy throne.
13 For God of Zion hath made choice;
there he desires to dwell.
14 This is my rest, here still I’ll stay;
for I do like it well.
15 Her food I’ll greatly bless; her poor
with bread will satisfy.
16 Her priests I’ll with salvation clothe,
her saint shall shout for joy.
17 And there will I make David’s horn
to bud forth pleasantly:
for him that mine anointed is
a lamp ordained have I.
18 As with a garment I will clothe
with shame his enemies all:
but yet the crown that he doth wear
upon him flourish shall.
Source: The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #P132b