1 The lord from heav'n will come descending,
with kingly diadem,
To take us to that better country,
The New Jerusalem.
How our hearts are yearning, O city of gold!
In thy pleasant courts to dwell,
With the pure and holy gathered at the throne,
The songs of praise to swell.
City of our God! city of our God!
Where we hope ere long to be,
Bright eternal home, bright eternal home,
How we long thy courts to see.
2 In clouds of heav'n, with wondrous glory,
The Lord ere long will come,
Attended by celestial angels,
To take the ransom'd home . [Chorus]
3 No more these scenes of earthly sorrow,
No more the sad farewell,
But on the bright, eternal morrow,
With Christ in peace to dwell. [Chorus]
4 Yes, we desire a better country,
A fairer land than this,
Where, free from sin and imperfection,
The soul may dwell in peace. [Chorus]
Source: Singing by the Way (Rev. ed.) #11