1 The life that has no aim
Above the things of earth
Is nothing but a gilded name,
Has naught to give it worth;
But he who ne’er will cease
His way tow’rd heav’n to press
Shall wear a diadem of peace,
The crown of righteousness.
The crown of righteousness
The crown of righteousness,
The glorious diadem of peace,
My crow of righteousness.
2 The kings of earth may wear
Their regal diadems;
But crowns are empty as the air,
Tho’ set with brightest gems.
When worn by them alone
Who dwell in wickedness,
No claim on more than earthly throne,
No crown of righteousness. [Chorus]
3 If fame and pleasure be
Ambitions’ fondest goal,
No star of faith o’er life’s dark sea
To light and cheer the soul,
The warning voice of love
E’en then shall come to bless,
“No cross below, no crown above,
No crown of righteousness.” [Chorus]
4 Alas! how sad the life
That has no hope or care
Beyond this wilderness of strife,
This world of fell despair;
More sad, when time is past,
And woeful his distress
Who finds no home in heav’n at last,
No crown of righteousness. [Chorus]
Source: Good Will: A collection of New Music for Sabbath Schools and Gospel Meetings (Enlarged) #42