1 The less I am, the more Thou art;
O Jesus, humble me!
Take Thou possession of my heart,
Thy dwelling let it be!
2 Thou, Saviour, wilt be all or nought,
Be all in all to me,
Alas! how much in me is wrought,
That cometh not from Thee.
3 Down from each lofty height of pride,
May I be cast by Thee;
That dead to self, and crucified
I to the world may be.
4 Then shall I triumph, Lord, for Thou
My strength and shield wilt be;
And through Thy might I shall, e’en now,
From death and sin be free.
5 The less I am, the more Thou art;
O Jesus, humble me!
Take Thou possession of my heart,
Thy dwelling let it be!
Source: Gloria Deo: a Collection of Hymns and Tunes for Public Worship in all Departments of the Church #144