1 The King of Glory cometh
In joy and peace to reign;
All nations bow before Him
And follow in His train
And follow in His train.
O sing His glory, blest King of Love,
Worship’d by angels in heav’n above;
His love redeeming shall make us free,
Light of the Ages, Saviour is He,
Light of the Ages, Saviour is He.
2 Give praise and adoration
To Christ the wondrous King
And with your glad hosannas
Make heaven’s arches ring,
Make heaven’s arches ring. [Chorus]
3 All power and dominion
On earth, in heav’n above,
Are giv’n to Christ the Saviour,
Who rules the world in love,
Who rules the world in love. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #139