1 The Hill of Zion rises high
Before us as we stand,
And view that straight but narrow way
That leads to Canaan's land.
We're climbing, climbing, still
Through ev'ry good or ill;
We're climbing, climbing still
Fair Zion's Hill.
2 The way seems long, and oft times drear,
But onward is the cry,
We'll not turn back, whatever comes,
We're bound to do or die. [Chorus]
3 A strength upholds that's not our own:
It comes from one divine;
He trod the way long years gone by,
He left us for a sign,-- [Chorus]
4 His footsteps marked in sinless blood,
He bids us follow on;
So falter not, we soon shall reach
The home where he has gone. [Chorus]
Source: The Little Sower for Sabbath Schools #73