1 The Heav'ns declare thy glory, Lord,
which that alone can fill;
The firmament and stars express
their great Creator's skill.
2 The dawn of each returning day
fresh beams of knowledge brings;
And from the dark returns of night
divine instruction springs.
3 Their pow'rful language to no realm
or region is confin'd;
'Tis nature's voice, and understood
alike by all mankind.
4 Their doctrine does its sacred sense
through earth's extent display;
Whose bright contents the circling sun
does round the world convey.
5 No bridegroom on his nuptial day,
has such a chearful face;
No giant does like him rejoice
to run his glorious race.
6 From east to west, from west to east,
his restless course he goes;
And, through his progress, chearful light
and vital warmth bestows.
Part II.
7 God's perfect law converts the soul,
reclaims from false desires;
With sacred wisdom his sure word
the ignorant inspires.
8 The statutes of the Lord are just,
and bring sincere delight;
His pure commands in search of truth
assist the feeblest sight.
9 His perfect worship here is fix'd,
on sure foundations laid;
His equal laws are in the scales
of truth and justice weigh'd;
10 Of more esteem than golden mines,
or gold refin'd with skill;
More sweet than honey, or the drops
that from the comb distil.
11 My trusty counsellors they are,
and friendly warnings give;
Divine rewards attend on those,
who by thy precepts live.
12 But what frail man observes how oft
he does from virtue fall?
O cleanse me from my secret faults,
thou God that know'st them all!
13 Let no presumptuous Sin, O Lord,
dominion have o'er me;
That, by thy grace preserv'd, I may
the great transgression flee.
14 So shall my pray'r and praises be
with thy acceptance blest;
And I secure on thy defence,
my Strength and Saviour, rest.
Source: The Whole Book of Psalms: in metre; with hymns suited to the feasts and fasts of the church, and other occasions of public worship #XIX
First Line: | The heavens declare Thy glory, Lord, Which that alone can fill (Tate and Brady) |
Source: | Tate and Brady |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |