1 The Heav'ns declare thy Glory, LORD,
Which that, and that alone can fill;
The Firmament and Stars express
their great Creator's wond'rous Skill:
Each Dawn fresh Beams of Knowledge brings,
From ev'ry Night Instruction springs.
2 Their pow'rful Language to no Space,
Or Realm, or Region is confin'd;
'Tis Nature's universal Voice,
And understood by all Mankind:
The Sun their Doctrines doth display,
Where-e'er he darts his genial Ray.
3 No Bridegroom for his Nuptials dress'd,
Can shew a more enliven'd Face;
No Giant does like him rejoice,
To run with Strength his glorious Race;
In one unwearied Round he goes,
And Light and Heat on all bestows.
Part II
4 GOD's perfect Law converts the Soul,
Reclaims the Heart from false Desires;
With sacred Wisdom his pure Word
The Weak and Ignorant inspires;
The Statutes bring sincere Delight;
His Word assists the feeblest Sight.
5 The Fear of GOD most perfect is,
And shall for evermore endure;
The Judgments of the LORD are true,
Most just and altogether pure;
More precious than fine Gold they are,
And sweeter than the Honey far.
6 My trusty Counsellors they are,
To me they friendly Warnings give:
Divine Rewards attend on those,
Who by thy Precepts live.
But who can all his Errors see?
From secret Faults, LORD, cleanse thou me!
7 Let no presumptuous Sin, O LORD!
Obtain Dominion over me;
That, by thy Grace preserv'd, I may
Far from the great Transgression flee;
So shall my Pray'r by thee be bless'd,
And I in GOD my Saviour rest.