1 The hearts of the Savior's disciples were sad,
He had said He was going away;
But the promise was sweet, "when the Comforter comes,
Forever with you He will stay;"
But the promise was sweet, "when the Comforter comes,
Forever with you He will stay."
"When the Comforter comes," Oh, promise so sweet;
"When the Comforter comes, He will stay;"
"Though sadly we part," "your souls He will cheer,"
"Forever, forever He'll stay."
2 Convincing the world of its sin and its woe,
And to speak of a mansion above;
To tell how to Christ poor sinners may go,
For pardon, for peace, and His love;
To tell how to Christ poor sinners may go,
For pardon, for peace, and His love. [Chorus]
3 If we're children of God, then Spirit He'll give,
For our comfort while pilgrims below;
Then like Him, and with Him, we ever shall live,
When to that bright kingdom we go;
Then like Him and with Him we ever shall live,
When to that bright kingdom we go. [Chorus]
Source: The Morning Star: a collection of new sacred songs, for the Sunday school, prayer meeting, and the social circle #56