1 The Gospel shows the Father's grace,
Who sent His Son to save our race,
Proclaims how Jesus lived and died
That we might thus be justified.
2 It sets the Lamb before our eyes,
Who made the atoning sacrifice,
And calls the souls with guilt oppressed
To come and find eternal rest.
3 It brings the Savior's righteousness
To robe our souls in royal dress;
From all our guilt it brings release
And gives the troubled conscience peace.
4 It is the pow'r of God to save
From sin and Satan and the grave;
It works the faith which firmly clings
To all the treasures which it brings.
5 It bears to all the tidings glad
And bids their hearts no more be sad;
The weary, burdened souls it cheers
And banishes their guilty fears.
6 May we in faith its message learn
Nor thanklessly its blessings spurn;
May we in faith its truth confess
And praise the Lord, our righteousness.
Source: Lutheran Service Book #580