1 The good hand of God has brought us again
(A favour bestowed, we hope not in vain)
To hear from our Saviour the word of his grace;
Then be our behaviour becoming the place.
2 Remember the ends for which we are met;
Alas! my dear friends, we’re apt to forget;
The motives that brought us, the Lord only sees;
But if he has taught us, our ends should be these:
3 To worship the Lord with praise and with prayer;
To practise his word, as well as to hear,
To own with contrition the deeds we have done,
And take the remission God gives in his Son.
4 Blest Spirit of Christ, descend on us thus;
Thy servant assist; teach him to teach us;
O send us thy unction, to teach us all good;
And touch with compunction, and sprinkle with blood.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #456