1 The glory He had with the Father,
Ere earth a beginning had known,
He left for the sake of poor sinners,
And suffered for them to atone!
He bore the temptations of Satan!
Disciples forsook Him and fled!
He drank of the cup of our sorrow,
And tears of deep anguish He shed!
All hail to the blessed Redeemer!
He suffered our sorrow and pain!
All hail to the glorious Saviour!
The innocent Lamb that was slain!
2 Tho’ legions on legions of angels,
To vanquish His foes He could call,
He died on the cross to redeem them,
And fervently prayed for them all!
On Calvary’s mountain He offered
Himself as a ransom for me!
And dearer that spot to my spirit,
Than ever another can be! [Refrain]
3 More deep than a mother’s affection,
The love that the Saviour did show;
In yielding His heavenly glory
To suffer for sinners below!
I love to repeat the old story,
The story so often retold,
Of Jesus, who came as a ransom,
For those who were not of His fold! [Refrain]
Source: Gospel Jewels #8