1. The fool, in's heart, saith, there's no God;
They so corrupt are grown:
Abominable works they do.
That doth good there is none.
2. The Lord on sons of men, looked down.
From Heaven, his high abode;
To see if reason bore the sway,
And led them up to God.
3. But lo! they all were gone aside,
They filthy were, and base;
Not one, the paths of virtue trod,
Of all that sinful race.
4. Do wicked fools so blind their eyes,
And far from reason stray.
That they my people eat as bread,
And God no homage pay?
5. Then conscious guilt shall them surprise,
With most amazing fear;
When God, to plead the just man's cause,
In vengeance shall appear.
6. The pious counsel of the poor,
Reproaching ye despise;
Because the Lord his refuge is,
Where he for shelter flies.
7. Would God, from Zion safety send,
And back his captives bring;
Jacob should, with loud peals, rejoice.
Thy praise glad Israel sing.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752