1. The faithful of the ages past
Are sleeping in the dust;
The trump of God shall sound at last
And summons them and us
To meet our Lord with his reward:
Those better things for us.
Better things for us,
Better things for us,
Thy Word hath decided that God hath provided
Some better things for us.
2. We've laid our treasures safely up
Secure from moth and rust,
And wait the day with flowing cup,
Denying fleshly lust;
When from above he'll come in love
With better things for us. [Chorus]
3. The day is near, O joyful tho't,
The end of faith and trust,
When all his saints with battles fought,
Shall waken from the dust,
At Christ's command, take from his hand
Those better things for us. [Chorus]
Source: Carols of Hope: a compilation of select sacred songs for use in Sunday schools, praise and young people's services #97