1. The Christmas bells are ringing loud and clear;
All lips drop smiles—all voices wake to cheer;
Kind wishes gather, thick as bees in May,
To greet the opening of this perfumed day,
To greet the opening of this perfumed day.
2. Best day of all, the day of Christ our King—
What praise to Thy perfections could we bring?
To each, to all, on this auspicious morn,
New joys are given, and brighter hopes are born,
New joys are given, and brighter hopes are born.
3. All fears are lost, nor tears can longer flow;
Sighs mount to song, and griefs to gladness grow;
The rude are gentle on this hallowed day;
The murmuring put their discontent away,
The murmuring put their discontent away.
4. For once, in fair Judea, Christ was born;
Song and thanksgiving crowned the blessèd morn;
And since His star the wondering shepherds saw,
Christ’s Gospel rules the world, and love is law,
Christ’s Gospel rules the world, and love is law.
5. So on this day our purest prayers ascend;
The heavens in richest benedictions bend,
With thee, O blessèd day, all sorrows cease;
With joy we greet thee, day of grace and peace,
With joy we greet thee, day of grace and peace.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #7744